Category Theory

Experimental support for a categorical compositional distributional model of meaning

Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence / Languages and Linguistics / Natural Language Processing / Semantics / Category Theory / Experience Design / Computational linguistic phylogenetics / Unsupervised Learning / Category Theory / Experience Design / Computational linguistic phylogenetics / Unsupervised Learning

Global Versus Local Casimir Effect

Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Mathematical Physics / Theoretical Physics / Quantum Physics / Philosophy of Science / Philosophy Of Mathematics / Category Theory / Philosophy of Science / Philosophy Of Mathematics / Category Theory

Topos como metaconstrucción para el diseño en arquitectura: del espacio analógico al metaespacio conceptual

Geometry And Topology / Artificial Intelligence / Design / Architecture / Design education / Machine Learning / Computational Complexity / Semantics / Design Theory / Design Research / Category Theory / Complexity / Philosophy of Design / Architectural Design / Metadesign / Design Epistemology / Machine Learning / Computational Complexity / Semantics / Design Theory / Design Research / Category Theory / Complexity / Philosophy of Design / Architectural Design / Metadesign / Design Epistemology

Pequeño Trabajillo sobre Dimensión Homológica

Mathematics / Homological Algebra / Category Theory


Homotopy Theory / Category Theory / Homotopy Type Theory

Meta-modelo ECO2: una introducción a sus fundamentos matemáticos

Sociology / Applied Mathematics / Category Theory / Trabajo Social / Psicología Social / Social Pscyhology / Sufrimiento Social / Social Pscyhology / Sufrimiento Social

Abstract local cohomology functors

Category Theory / Local Cohomology

¿Es correcta la división aristotélica de los predicables?

Aristotle / Category Theory / Ancient Logic

Los indios y el derecho (Nueva España, siglos XVI-XVII)

Latin American Studies / Category Theory / Indigenismo

Homological Algebra : A Complete Outline

Mathematics / Homological Algebra / Category Theory

A Logical Solution to Godel\'s Incompleteness

Mathematics / Set Theory / Calculus / Philosophy / Analytic Philosophy / Philosophy of Science / History of Analytic Philosophy / Category Theory / Mathematical Logic / Paradoxes / Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems / Incompleteness / Godel's Incompleteness Theorems / Coherentism / Russell's Paradox / Refuting Incompleteness / Undecidability / Tarski's undefinability theorem / Solutions to Mathematical Incompleteness / triviality / trivial assumptions / Philosophy of Science / History of Analytic Philosophy / Category Theory / Mathematical Logic / Paradoxes / Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems / Incompleteness / Godel's Incompleteness Theorems / Coherentism / Russell's Paradox / Refuting Incompleteness / Undecidability / Tarski's undefinability theorem / Solutions to Mathematical Incompleteness / triviality / trivial assumptions
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